Der Asiate, Punch Arogunz, Cashisclay, Twizzy, Pikayzo, M.I.K.I, Seyed, B-Tight, Bo Derah, Steasy, Jindo109, Keule257, Entetainment, Blumio, Blokkmonsta, 257ers, Richter, Nyle, nulldrei, Jay Jiggy, Poca, Flaiz, Rhymin Simon, Swiss, Dame, Silla, Die P, 4Tu
Meine Lieblingsrapper/innen
Die letzten Ihrer Art (Remix) Feat Lakmann, BOZ, Crackaveli, Said, Basstard, Amar, RLS, RAF Camora, MoTrip, JokA, King Orgasmus One, Herzog, B-Tight, Blokkmonsta, Credibil, Solo (439), BlutandKasse, Instinkt, Bizzy Montana, Hayat and Matondo HIP-H
Die Letzten Ihrer Art Feat Lakmann, BOZ, Crackaveli, Said, Basstard, Amar, RLS, RAF Camora, MoTrip, JokA, King Orgasmus One, Herzog, B-Tight, Blokkmonsta, Credibil, Solo (439), BlutandKasse, Instinkt, Bizzy Montana, Hayat and Matondo) (Remix
DLIA (Mammut Remix) feat Lakmann, BOZ, Crackaveli, Said, Basstard, Amar, RLS, Raf Camoira, MoTrip, JokA, Orgi69, Herzog, B-Tight, Blokkmonsta, Credibil, Ssolo (439), BlutandKasse, Instinkt, Bizzy Montana, Hayat and Matondo